Check-in time is after 3.00pm, checkout time is 11:00am.
Rates are subject to change without notice.
Any changes or cancellation of the reservation must happen 48 hours before the Check-In time of 3 PM. Otherwise, a single day price of the reservation is charged.
No refund shall be provided if the guest changes their reservation after their arrival.
Rates do not include 9% tax.
Exact room numbers cannot always be guaranteed, although we make every effort to do so.
Holidays and weekends may have minimum stay requirements.
Smoking Policy
Due to our commitment to health & wellness, environmental sustainability and the requests of our health minded guests, The Lodge is a totally Non-Smoking facility and environment.
There is NO SMOKING in any of the rooms or public areas, the balconies or patios, or within 50 feet of the exterior of the Lodge.
If you must smoke, there is a designated smoking area at the north end of the Lodge in the iris garden, where you may sit on a bench to smoke, provided that you dispose of your butts in the specially provided container and not on the ground.
The gazebo out front is also a good place to smoke in inclement weather.
A $250 clean-up fee will be assessed to any room in which the occupants have smoked, in either their room, or on their balcony or patio.
For insurance reasons the burning of candles is also strictly forbidden. For ambience, we can provide you with special LED candles, which create an authentic-but-safe romantic mood for your room.
No Pets Policy
We cannot accept pets under any circumstances.
We guarantee our rooms to be pet free.
Violation of this rule incurs a $250 clean-up charge.